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In It For Good

At our heart, we’re environmental activists on a mission to help preserve the environment by making residential solar power ubiquitous. We believe this will lead to a sustainable new energy economy.

A Purpose-Driven Company

Our Business Philosophy

We respect the interests of all stakeholders—employees, the local community, and the environment.

Creating Equity

We run our business using an employee-ownership approach that gives everyone a say in how the business operates and benefits from its success.

Empowering Everyone

When everyday citizens own their own micro-power plants, the financial benefits of energy production will be distributed to a wider spectrum of society.

Leveling the Playing Field

Our web app gives small installers access to the types of tools that only large companies can afford to develop.

We’re Fiercely Independent

We’re committed to remaining a privately-owned company. We believe this is the best way for us to help create an energy economy that works for everyone. 

Meet the Lyra team

We’re a privately owned, distributed company based in Santa Cruz, CA

Derek Mitchell

Persistent and pragmatic visionary determined to make solar so cheap that it becomes ubiquitous and forever changes energy economics. 

Sean Burr

Growth, business development, and excellence.

Nate Phillips

Leads product design. Coordinates with sales, marketing, and support efforts to drive adoption and engagement.

Joel Serino
Marketing & Impact

Weaving Lyra's vision and mission into the solar ecosystem for a healthy environmental, social, and governance impact.

Shawn Kranitz
Technical Sales

Interfaces with customers to understand their needs, present solutions, and provide on-going support. Committed to helping build and implement a viable new energy market. 

Austin Cave
Sales Support Specialist

Assists sales efforts by generating and qualifying leads, providing customer support, and conducting industry research.

Gediminas Rimsa

Responsible for technology delivery.

Careers @ Lyra

Join the team

A modern business needs to be based on inclusiveness and equality in diversity, gender, and pay. We strive to maintain a workplace that’s fun and flexible while providing a safe environment for everyone.

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Need to get in touch?

Find the perfect fit for your business or get help with using Lyra